Refugee Week 2021. The theme of Year 4’s Class Assembly was Refugee Week. The children shared their poems, artwork, reflections and all the information they had learnt about refugees with the school and parents on zoom. Inspired by the speech of Martin Luther King the theme of our artwork was “Dreams” as the children reflected on what someone might hope and dream about before they arrived in the UK. They told the pupils all about famous sports personalities who were refugees to link with Sports Week in school.

Refugee Week 2021. Year 4 spent the afternoon learning all about a Refugee’s Journey as they took part in the CAFOD refugee activities.

Thank you for your generous donations at the Carol Concert to our two charities, PAFRAS and Leeds Schools of Sanctuary. We raised £309.17 which will be shared equally between the two charities. Your generosity in sending gifts to school has also been recognised by the charity and we have had a mention in their latest newsletter.